Mahair Goh
Founder and CEO
Art and creative drawing have the power to enhance a child’s mental development, broaden the scope of imagination, and exploration of hidden creative talent. Parents send their children for art lessons not because they want them to be artists one day, but to equip them for their soon-to-be field of endeavor. The positive learning experience in art develops imagination, promoting creativity and innovative thinking in a natural and man-made world. It also increases self-esteem, confidence in the problem-solving and logical sequence of developing ideas.
The dilemma that we face is that emphasis is placed on other subjects like languages, mathematics, and sciences – but not on art. Students nowadays cannot even draw a simple drawing. Ironically, almost all subjects taught in schools need an illustration, an outline, a drawing, and a diagram. Students are just not mentally equipped to accomplish these art-based demands.
How well one draws depends on how well one sees. Art training can tremendously help in the development of Visual Processing – the foundation of the human learning process. Our aim at Global Art is to unlock the hidden potential of being able to see and process visually, and then interpreting what was seen in an aesthetic work of art.
Our exhaustive and thoroughly researched syllabus aims to provide our students with formal art training comparable to any syllabus taught in art school. Students can learn the basics, from subject composition, perspective, color harmony, and contrast, to life drawing. Systematic and straightforward, this syllabus is designed to cater to the needs of all students with or without artistic talent.

Ajin Thong
Co-Founder and COO
I have always loved drawing, drawing has always been there as soon as I can hold pencils. I was very imaginative evidently by the series of sketches and drawings on the walls in my parent’s house. Drawing allows me to express my innermost thoughts, imaginations and develop my art skills. Growing up living in a small town with just rivers, hills and jungles, we have little but we have so much to do by creating our own games & activities.
One of my favorites was to create ‘Popping Gun’ equivalent to ‘Slingshot’ from the bamboo (chutes), chopsticks and small beans (Wild plants) made up as the ‘bullet’, we carry our creations everywhere & would get into a combative mood once we have enough players. As it becomes popular among us, some actually made the ‘popping guns’ to be sold to friends and also to the local grocery stores, and to me, that is a classic example of creativity and innovation put to good use.
Looking back, I really enjoyed and learned so much, I have many friends who excel in sports, academics, and arts, I too did fairly well, and art was a constant feature in my growing-up years right into my adulthood, I was determined to become a cartoonist, I really enjoyed the profession and I still do. I have always viewed art as a tool to make a living, which is true to a certain extent, but that changed after I joined Global Art in 2004, it totally and forever changed my perception of visual arts.
I found art to be more than just a visual subject, learning art encompasses the technical aspects through the process of learning the art, learners get to gain invaluable insights, knowledge & skills to improve their thinking abilities, learning discipline, confidence, and skills. With that in place, learners will only grow & become better, more creative as they progress into the many other phases of their life. Recalling my own personal experiences, I somehow believed Art has to do with all the good things that came to me (still it is), Art is so rewarding and enriching, ART IS LIVE, and LIVE IT CREATIVELY!